Bergenergy [főoldal] Bergenergy [főoldal]


Our company is entitled to issue a White Certificate (EKR).

For cost-effectiveness, contact us about our energy sourcing service!

Tasks related to energy handling are so specialised these days that for managing various types of solutions requires a separate expert let alone the existence of necessary entitlements. Our experience is that the employed energy experts have difficulties handling increased daily tasks of medium-sized and large companies due to lack of capacity and time. That is why we have developed our service for energy support to provide interim backing based on our energy knowledge and entitlements for companies. Through this solution companies receive an up-to-date expert support they are using for only the needed time, hence optimising costs spent, yet they can have the highest expertise by our experts for the specific period. We offer support to devise special energy solutions and optimise a general operation, design, implement and verify implementation.

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