Bergenergy [főoldal] Bergenergy [főoldal]


We can offer very affordable financing constructions for our projects.

Each of these instruments are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

In each case we try to determine the duration of instrument such that the achieved saving shall cover the payment left.

HUF based:  The instrument of contract has HUF FIXED interest, the interest of HUF money market (BUBOR) does not influence the rate of the specific payments in the duration. The monthly payment is unchanged, well foreseeable and remains identical even in case of HUF interest rate rise.

EUR-based: upon receipt of the duly signed contract and acknowledgment of receipt, the financing financial institution determines as a reference exchange rate the Commerzbank Zrt's foreign exchange purchase rate registered on the 5th (fifth) banking day preceding the day of settlement of the supplier's final invoice, or no later than on the 5th (fifth) banking day following it.
The monthly fees are to be paid in the amount of HUF corresponding to EUR, which is calculated in the manner and at the exchange rate fixed in the EUR-based contract.

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